JLF ED Speaks at the White House AANHPI Forum

Our very own Jeremy Lin Foundation Executive Director STEPHANIE HSU spoke at the White House Forum on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders on “Expanding Philanthropic Capital to AANHPI Communities.”
For decades, AANHPI communities have been under-funded and under-resourced, receiving less than 1% of philanthropic investments. This is despite being 7% of the country with poverty rates ranging 10-35%, depending on subgroups and geography. Along with The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) & The Very Asian Foundation, Stephanie talked about our Foundation’s approach, intra-AAPI and cross-racial solidarity, and how we are re-imagining the funding landscape.
We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in this powerful White House Forum with 2,000+ others from the AANHPI community coming in from across the nation!